A May 13, 2024 presentation at the American Enterprise Institute by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In its work for the Congress, CBO regularly projects budgetary and economic outcomes over the 10-year budget window (the period used in the Congressional budget process) and for an additional 20 years. This presentation…
Criminal Law Library Blog
Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending May 10, 2024
During the week ending May 10, 2024 we have received listings of 22 Government and Administrative Law Summaries, 22 Constitutional Law summaries, 37 Criminal Law Summaries, 1 White Collar Summary, 2 U.S. Supreme Court summaries, 3 Intellectual Property case summaries. 1 Copyright summary, 1 Internet Law summary. and 1 Medical…
Ethical Standards for Election Administration: A Report from the American Law Institute (ALI)
Election administrators and their staff, spread throughout thousands of voting jurisdictions in the United States, perform a core service dedicated to maintaining and preserving our democracy. Their work has become significantly more difficult, as our contentious politics have clouded much of what they do with misunderstanding and distrust. These challenges…
Testimony on the Congressional Budget Office Request for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025 – Updated
On April 10, 2024, CBO’s Director, Phillip Swagel, testified before the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch regarding the Congressional Budget Office’s request for appropriations for fiscal year 2025. This posting includes a summary of the Director’s testimony followed by a link to his complete testimony and links…
Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending May 3,2024
During the week ending May 3, 2024 we have received listings of 34 Government and Administrative Law Summaries, 17 Constitutional Law summaries, 78 Criminal Law Summaries, 1 White Collar Summary, 5 Intellectual Property case summaries. and 1 Internet Law Summary. We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding…
ABA Survey: Most Think That U.S. Democracy is Weaker Than it was Five Years Ago
According to responses to the 2024 ABA Survey of Civic Literacy, 74% of individuals surveyed said that U.S. democracy is weaker than it was five years ago. Most blamed misinformation, disinformation, and political parties for contributing to this result. The survey is released each year to mark Law Day, observed annually on…
Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending April 26, 2024
During the week ending April 26, 2024) we have received listings of 64 Government and Administrative Law Summaries, 39 Constitutional Law summaries, 112 Criminal Law Summaries, 1 White Collar Summary, 6 Intellectual Property case summaries. 1 Copyright Summary, 3 Internet Law Summaries, and 5 Medical Malpractice Summaries. We plan is…
Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week ending April 19, 2024
During the week ending April 19, 2024) we have received listings of 4U.S. Supreme Court Cases. 22 Constitutional Law summaries, 37 Criminal Law Summaries, We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas of law, weekly whenever possible in order to keep blog readers updated. To gain access…
Medicare Accountable Care Organizations: Past Performance and Future Directions
According to Medicare,” Accountable Care Organizations, or ACOs, are all about providing the best types of care for patients with Medicare, while simultaneously helping to lower the cost of healthcare. They consist of a coordinated group of doctors, hospitals and various types of medical providers who work together for the…
Google to Update Google One Subscriptions
We received the following message from Google regarding subscription updates to Google One scheduled to begin on May 15 and are forwarding it to our readers for their convenience: “We’re writing to let you know about some updates coming to your Google One subscription starting on May 15. These changes…