The current edition of Sci Tech e-Merging News published by the Science and Technology Section of the American Bar Association, contains announcements of upcoming events and updated research discussing issues of special interest to both members of the legal profession and others outside the legal profession who face similar concerns.…
Criminal Law Library Blog
CBO: Implementing the Statutory Limits on Discretionary Funding for Fiscal Year 2024
In this document, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provides information concerning implementation of the caps on most discretionary funding for fiscal year 2024 as established by the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. Summary of Document: In this document, a letter from Philip L. Swagel, Director of the Congressional Budget Office, The…
Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending December 29, 2023.
During this past week (week ending December 29,2023) we have received listings of 11 Government and Administrative Law Summaries, 7 Constitutional Law summaries, 34 Criminal Law Summaries, White Collar Law 2 Cases, Medical Malpractice 6 cases, Intellectual Property 1 case and Internet Law 2 cases. We plan is to continue…
A Holiday Guide to Donald Trump’s Latest Cases at the U.S. Supreme Court
Michael C. Dorf, the Robert S. Stevens professor of Law at Cornell University, is a regular contributor to Verdict, a service of Justia which provides substantive analysis by legal professionals on a variety of law and law related issues. In his December 22,2023 posting, to this service, A Holiday Guide…
2023 Year End Messsage From the Internet Society
Message From the Internet Society: As 2023 comes to a close, we’re thinking a lot about what lies ahead for 2024. How many of the 2.6 million people who are unconnected get Internet access next year? How many of the threats to the Internet from governments and corporations around the…
Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending December 22, 2023
During this past week (week ending December 22,2023) we have received listings of 34 Government and Administrative Law Summaries, 25 Constitutional Law summaries, 65 Criminal Law Summaries, Medical Malpractice 3 cases, and Intellectual Property 1 case. We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas of law, weekly…
Judge Scott U. Schlegel: A Call for Education Over Regulation (Artificial Intelligence)
Judge Scott U. Schlegel of the Fifth Circuit Court of the State of Louisiana currently serves as Chair of the Louisiana Supreme Court Technology Commission, and is recognized as a pioneer in using technology in the Louisiana State Courts. He has managed what is considered by many to be one…
An AI Robot Comes to Town
Following the release to the public of Chat GPT by Open AI on November 30, 2022, there has been much discussion, both pro and con, about the future impact of AI on humanity. I have written the following poem, to both inject some comic relief into the present discourse and…
Congressional Budget Office: The Accuracy of CBO’s Budget Projections for 2023
December 15, 2023 The Congressional Budget reports that its May 2022 projections for fiscal year 2023, CBO overestimated revenues by 11 percent and underestimated outlays by 9 percent. CBO’s projection of the federal deficit for 2023 was less than the actual amount by 3.9 percent of GDP. SUMMARY: After each…
Congressional Budget Office: CBO’s Current View of the Economy and the Implication for Federal Budget and Workers
In this report CBO responds to questions about the agency’s current view of economic growth and interest rates and the implications of that view for the federal budget—as well as about the implications of inflation for workers. SUMMARY: This letter responds to questions about the Congressional Budget Office’s current view…