
Criminal Law Library Blog


U.S. Supreme Court Update: Graham v. Florida No. 08-7412:

A Service from the ABA Criminal Justice Section, Graham v Florida No. 08–7412. United States Supreme Court Decision: May 17, 2010 In a 5-4 opinion by Justice Kennedy, the United States Supreme Court ruled that sentencing juveniles to life without the possibility of parole for non-homicide cases is impermissible…


U.S. Supreme Court Case Update: U.S. v. Comstock

A Service from the ABA Criminal Justice Section, United States v. Comstock (No. 08-1224) United States Supreme Court Decision: May 17, 2010 In United States v. Comstock (08-1224), the Court reversed and remanded the lower court’s decision ruling that federal officials can indefinitely hold inmates considered “sexually dangerous” after…


From: ABA Criminal Justice Section E-News

May 2010 (Vol. 5) Excerpt from message of Chair,Charles Hynes: The ABA Criminal Justice Section is the national entity that brings all the players in the criminal law arena together to address critical issues for the field. The focus of the Section is not only on policy development concerning those…


Harvard Law School Library Joins the Chesapeake Project Legal Information Archive

Sarah J. Rhodes, Digital Collections Librarian at the Georgetown University Law Center writes: “The Chesapeake Project Legal Information Archive, now in its third year, is pleased to welcome a new law library partner. See the announcement below.” ANNOUNCEMENT: HARVARD LAW SCHOOL LIBRARY JOINS THE CHESAPEAKE PROJECT LEGAL INFORMATION ARCHIVE. Cambridge,…


Important Information Resource on U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan

Many thanks to Luis Acosta of the Library of Congress for forwarding the following: Elena Kagan Nominated to the Supreme Court: On April 9, 2010 Justice John Paul Stevens announced that he would retire after nearly 35 years on the bench of the U.S. Supreme Court. President Obama announced…


Q&A: Court Ordered Debt

QUESTION: On behalf of the California Administrative Office of the Courts, we would like to know if there are any courts in the United States that “sell” delinquent court-ordered fines, fees, penalties, and assessments. In specific, we are looking for criteria, and private vendors used, including pricing structure. RESPONSES: 1.…


Findlaw Case Summaries: New York State Court of Appeals. May 6, 2010.

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw May 6, 2010 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, CIVIL PROCEDURE, CLASS ACTIONS, FAMILY LAW, GOVERNMENT LAW City of N.Y. v. Maul, No. 65 In an action concerning the alleged failures of the New York City…


Findlaw Caselaw Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure. May 3-7, 2010.

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw May 3-7, 2010 U.S. Supreme Court, May 03, 2010 Renico v. Lett, No. 09–338 In a murder prosecution, a grant of petitioner’s habeas petition is reversed where it was reasonable for the…


Federal Conspiracy Law: A Sketch

CRS Report No. R41222; 4/30/2010; Posted 5/7/2010 Author(s): Charles Doyle, Senior Specialist in American Public Law Subject(s): Criminal Justice; Law No. of Pages: 9 Summary Zacarias Moussaoui, members of the Colombian drug cartels, members of organized crime, and some of the former Enron executives have at least one thing in…

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