
Criminal Law Library Blog


U.S. Supreme Court – Recusal

From the Brennan Center for Justice, Fair Courts E-Lert October 15, 2010: Justice Elena Kagan’s decision to recuse herself in 25 of the cases the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear continues to inspire discussion about judicial disqualification. A New York Times editorial praises Justice Kagan’s decision, but questions…


U.S. Justice Department is Continuing its Anti Corruption Campaign

In the October 15, 2010 Wall Street Journal, Dionne Searcey reports that “after numerous record-shattering fines and executive prosecutions in recent years, the government’s crackdown on violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act shows no signs of slowing. So far this year, the U.S. Justice Department has carried out a…


Chief Judge Lippman Announces Creation of Permanent Sentencing Commission for New York State

Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman on October 13, 2010 announced the establishment of the New York State Permanent Sentencing Commission, charged with conducting a comprehensive and ongoing evaluation of sentencing laws and practices and recommending reforms to improve the quality and effectiveness of statewide sentencing policy. A very important aspect of…


Ethics and Social Media Use By Court Staff

Real world examples needed.I am posting the following request for real-world examples of issues and problems regarding ethics and social media that have occurred in our courts as a service to all of us who really need access to this information. Please contact Norman Meyer directly if you have any…


Around the Blawgsphere

October 13, 2010. Argument recap: Court doubts that failure to suppress confession is prejudicial in felony murder case posted by James Bickford at SCOTUSblog – On Tuesday, the Court heard oral argument in the case of *Premo v. Moore*. Overcriminalization 2.0: Developing Consensus Solutions posted by White Collar Crime Prof…


State of Telecom Conference: Matching Supply and Demand for the Next Generation of Broadband

The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) “State of Telecom” conference will be held on October 15 at the Columbia University Business School, Davis Auditorium in theShapiro Center (just behind Uris Hall). This year’s focus will be on “Matching Supply and Demand for the Next Generation of Broadband.” The conference will…


Findlaw Case Summaries: Constitutional Law 39

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw October 4-8, 2010. United States First Circuit, 10/08/2010 Tevlin v. Spencer District court’s denial of defendant’s request for habeas relief from his convictions for first-degree murder, armed robbery, and assault and battery…


Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure 41

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw October 4-8, 2010. United States First Circuit, 10/07/2010 US v. Figueroa-Gonzalez Conviction of defendant for carjacking and firearm use during and in relation to a crime of violence is affirmed as there…

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