TITLE: JUSTICE BRENNAN SUBTITLE: Liberal Champion AUTHORS: Seth Stern & Stephen Wermiel PUBLICATION DATE: October 4, 2010 PUBLISHER: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt PAGE COUNT: 688 pp. ISBN: 978-0-547-14625-7 (Paper) PRICE: $35.00 Stern, a reporter for CQ, and Wermiel, a law professor and former WSJ reporter, team up to chronicle the career…
Criminal Law Library Blog
CLLB Information Security Newsletter. Volume 3 Number 7 July 2010.
Volume 3 Number 7 July 2010 July 2010 PROTECTING DATA CONTAINED IN COPIERS AND PRINTERS From the Desk of David Badertscher What kind of data can be stored in copiers and printers? You are probably familiar with many of the standard best practices for safeguarding your data, such as avoid…
OCLC Update 2010
Today we received a link to a slide presentation by Glenn Patton, Director of Wordcat Quality Management at OCLC on July 11 at the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. We are sharing this information with you because these slides convey an important message regarding…
Skyriver and Innovative Interfaces v. OCLC
On JUly 28, 2010, Skyriver Technology Solutions, LLC and Innovative Interfaces, Inc. filed a complaint against Online Computer Library Center, Inc.(OCLC) in the District Court Northern District of California alleging federal and state antitrust violations and unfair competition. More specifically the complaint states that OCLC “…is unlawfully monopolizing the bibliographic…
Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure 39
To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to FindLaw.com. All summaries are produced by Findlaw August 2-6, 2010. United States Second Circuit, 08/02/2010 US v. Johnson Defendant’s sentence for being a felon in possession of a firearm is affirmed where a violation of Connecticut General Statute section…
Findlaw Case Summaries – Constitutional Law
To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to FindLaw.com. All summaries are produced by Findlaw August 2-6, 2010. United States First Circuit, 08/04/2010 IMS Health Inc. v. Mills In a challenge to the constitutionality of 22 Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, section 1711-E(2-A), which allows prescribers…
U.S. District Court Rejects Same Sex Marriage in California
On Wednesday August 4, 2020 Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker in San Francisco struck down California’s ban on same sex marriage in a 136 page opinioon, ruling that voter approved Proposition 8 violates the constitutional right of equal protection. Proposition 8 defines marriage as a union between a man…
Judge Reiling on IT and the Access to Justice Crisis
Robert Richards, Editor in Chief of the VoxPopuLII Blog at the Legal Information Institute at Cornell has just announced an important and helpful posting “IT and the Access to Justice Crisis” by Judge Dory Reiling, Vice President of the Amsterdam District Court on that blog. Mr. Richards writes: “Judge Dory…
The War Logs: Deciding What to Publish – And What Not to Publish
According to the New York Times, the articles published on July 25 are based on thousands of United States military incident and intelligence reports – records of engagements, mishaps, intelligence on enemy activity and other events from the war in Afghanistan – that were made public on Sunday on the…
CRS Report: State Efforts to Deter Unauthorized Aliens – Legal Analysis of Arizona’s S.B. 1070 – Highlights
CRS Report Number 41221, July 12, 2010, Posted July 23, 2010. AUTHORS: Michael John Garcia, Kate M. Manuel, Larry M. Eig SUMMARY (From Official Report) On April 23, 2010, Arizona enacted S.B. 1070, which is designed to discourage and deter the entry or presence of aliens who lack lawful status…