Posted by : Joni L. Cassidy, Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc. 3/17/10 DEFINITION OF TERMS: OCLC WorldCat – the union database of bibliographic and authority records contributed by member libraries, the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the National Agriculture Library, the U.S. Government Printing Office and several other…
Criminal Law Library Blog
FCC Introduces Sweeping National Broaband Plan
Udated March 17, 2010. On Tuesday March 16, 2010 the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced a proposal to overhaul the U.S. broadband* policy by introducing a plan that would provide higher speed internet access and much faster internet connections thoughout the U.S. than are presently available. The plan sets…
New York Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch Unveils Five Year Fiscal Reform Plan
On March 10, 2010 New York Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch released a fiscal reform plan which calls for a five-year plan to eliminate the State’s structural imbalance and introduces a process by which annual budget balance is mandated, minitored and maintained. The plan calls for up to $2 billion in…
What New Information or Data Would You Like Federal Agencies to Publish Online?
Mary Alice Baish, Director of Government Relations and Emily Feldman, Advocacy Communications Assistant (both of the American Association of Law Libraries, AALL), have been doing a tremendous job serving as advocates for high quality and highly accessible legal information on the web in a format that can be authenticated. The…
Once Every Hundred Years?
In an earlier posting on November 5 , 2009 we reported that on November 3, 1909 the criminal court building in Manhattan (bounded by Centre, Lafayette, Franklin, and White Streets) was declared unsafe for human occupancy and everyone in the building at the time was ordered to leave immediately. When…
The Health Care Debate Continues – March 2010
You may have noticed that we have not posted anything about health care for awhile. Other topics have intervened but the health care debate keeps coming back. We are actually glad because for many of us health care reform in the United States is one of the paramount issues of…
Consultant: Oregon County Law Libraries Planning Grant RFP
Oregon County Law Libraries Planning Grant, Request for Proposals “Summary: The Oregon Council of County Law Libraries (OCCLL), representing 36 county law libraries throughout the state, received a planning grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the LSTA, administered by the Oregon State Library. The OCCLL has…
Cyber Crime: A Clear and Present Danger
The 2010 CyberSecurity Watch Survey, sponsored by Deloitte and conducted in collaboration with CSO Magazine, the U.S. Secret Service, and the CERT Coordination Center at Carnegie Mellon, indicates that threats posed by cyber crime have increased faster than potential victims — or cyber security professionals — can cope with, placing…
Separation of Powers Regarding Judicial Funding in the State of Connecticut
Two days ago I posted information on this blog related to the New York Court of Appeals decision (Maron v. Silver, 16 ‘ Larabee v. Governor, 7 ; Chief Judge v. Governor, 18) addressing judicial compensation in that state within the framework of separation of powers. Today I have learned…
Eben Moglen’s Speech: “Freedom in the Cloud”
The webcast of Eben Moglen’s speech ‘Freedom in The Cloud’ is proving to be one of most popular ever, and has received over 20,000 hits representing about a 1000 views since Feb 14. In the talk Eben challenges the tech community to provide the public with the means to recapture…