
Criminal Law Library Blog


Testimony on Congressional Budget Office’s Request for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025

This posting includes  the Summary and a link to the full text  of CBO’s Director, Phillip Swagel’s testimony before the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch. A supporting mission statement is included. SUMMARY: Chairman Amodei, Ranking Member Espaillat, and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity…


Selected List of Opinions Published by Justia, Week Ending April 5, 2024

During the week ending April 5, 2024) we have received listings of 22 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  20 Constitutional Law summaries, 48 Criminal Law Summaries, 3 Intellectual Property case summaries, 1 Copyright summary, 2 Medical Malpractice Cases, 1 Internet Law case summary, and 2 White Collar Crime Case Summaries.…


American Criminal Law: A captivating Journey Through Justice–A Review

Thinking back on my fifty plus years as a practicing law librarian, I have come to believe that criminal law is one of the more humanistic of legal disciplines because it can reach people at such a personal level. Paul H Robinson* and Sarah M Robinson capture this thought in…


Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending March 29, 2024

During the week ending March 29, 2024) we have received listings of 35 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  18 Constitutional Law summaries, 48 Criminal Law Summaries, 5 Intellectual Property case summaries, 2 Copyright summaries, 1 Medical Malpractice Case, and 1 Internet Law case summary. We plan is to continue posting…


Combating Money Laundering Act of 2024

H.R.7156, as ordered reported by the House Committee on Financial Services on February 29, 2024. CBO Summary: H.R. 7156 would expand the authority of the Secret Service to investigate financial crimes. Specifically, the bill would authorize the Secret Service to investigate the operations of unlicensed money transmitting businesses—entities that provide…


Attorney General Merrick Garland Discusses AI, National Security

The United States has an important lead in the development of artificial intelligence that is crucial to the country’s economy and national security, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said at the American Bar Association’s 39th National Institute on White Collar Crime in San Francisco. “The Justice Department’s first job is to…


Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending March 22, 2024

During the week ending March 22, 2024) we have received listings of 2 U.S. Supreme Court Cases. 30 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  24 Constitutional Law summaries, 76 Criminal Law Summaries, 3 White Collar Summaries and 2 Internet Law case summaries. We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under…


Congressional Budget Office’s Work on Health Care Spending and a Call for New Research

A presentation by Chapin White, CBO’s Director of Health Analysis, at the David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium, Weill Cornell Medicine. SUMMARY: This presentation provides a brief look at Congressional Budget Office’s work related to federal spending on health care and the recent slowdown in the growth of such spending. It…


Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, March 15, 2024

During the week ending March 15, 2024) we have received listings of 3 U.S. Supreme Court Cases. 24 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  22 Constitutional Law summaries, 49 Criminal Law Summaries, 4 Intellectual Property case summaries, 3 Medical Malpractice Cases, and 2 Internet Law case summaries. We plan is to…


Microsoft Reveals Plans to Support Classic Outlook Until at Least 2029

According to Paul Thurott, award winning technology journalist and blogger, Microsoft has revealed ” that it will support the classic version of Outlook for Windows through at least 2029, which should placate those commercial customers who are concerned about the lackluster quality of the new Outlook. That said, the new…

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