January 18, 2010 – January 1, 2010 To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to FindLaw.com. All summaries are produced by Findlaw U.S. Supreme Court, January 21, 2010 Citizens United v. FEC, No. 08–205 The Court rules that the government may regulate corporate political speech through disclaimer…
Criminal Law Library Blog
ABA Journal Newsletter
For Week Ending January 22, 2010 Law Students Deluged with Clerkship Apps, Some Federal Judges Don’t Look at All of Them Jan 19, 2010, 03:51 pm CST Law Firms Six Law Firms Make Fortune’s List of Top 100 Places to Work Jan 21, 2010, 08:29 am CST Careers 90-Year-Old Retiring…
ABA Weekly Newsletter January 15, 2010
Top Ten Stories for Week Ending January 15, 2010 Careers DLA ‘Working Lawyer’ Explains Why He and 8 Others Moved to Jackson Lewis Jan 14, 2010, 09:39 am CST Legal Ethics Unhappy Secretary’s Report Spurs Ethics Trouble for NJ Litigator Jan 13, 2010, 11:42 am CST Business of Law Jones…
New York Governor David Paterson Presents Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2010-2011
Yesterday January 19, 2010 New York State Governor David Paterson proposed a 2010-11 Executive Budget that according to a Press Release from the Governor’s Office “makes significant spending reductions in order to eliminate a $7.4 billion deficit and institutes key reforms to put New York on the road to economic…
Help for Haiti Earthquake Victims
In his posting on the Blog Critics Culture Blog, William Lambers explains that bloggers can help Haiti by taking action through spreading the work about the suffering in that country and by showing how others can help. Although Lambers is referring in his post primarily to the World Food Programme,…
Manhattan DA Robert M. Morgenthau Retires at 90
David Badertscher* A giant of New York politics and law enforcement recently retired from public office– Robert Morgenthau. Scion to a powerful family, Robert Morgenthau’s grandfather served as United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, and his father was Secretary of the Treasury under Franklin Delano Roosevelt. While his famous…
Help Save Connecticut Courthouse Libraries By Spreading the Word
Since first hearing about the planned closure of of six of the fifteen courthouse libraries in Connecticut I have contacted I have heard from a number of people (both librarians and non-librarians) from throughout that state. By all accounts the announced closures will prevent attorneys, judges and members of the…
U.S. Supreme Courrt McDaniel v. Brown
January 11, 2010 No. 08-809. The defendant, Troy Brown, had alleged on appeal that the state mischaracterized the probability that his DNA matched that of someone in the general population. He also claimed that a prosecution expert had misstated the chances of a DNA match between himself and his two…
Wrongful Convictions and Attorney-Client Confidentiality
What recourse does a criminal defense defense attorney have if he or she learns a client has committed a crime ascribed to someone else? On the one hand, as Ken Strutin writes in his article “Wrongful Convictions and Attorney-Client Confidentiality” published at LLRX.COM, “When an innocent person faces conviction, imprisonment,…
Letter to OMB Director Peter Orszag from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
The following is from a letter sent by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to OMB Director Peter Orszag requesting full federal funding to reimburse the City for security costs associated with Terrorism Trials to be held in Manhattan. January 5, 2010 The Honorable Peter R. Orszag Director Office…