Top Ten Stories for week ending December 4, 2009. Editor’s Note: The 3rd Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100 is now online! Readers are invited to browse the list and are encouraged to register to vote for their favorites. U.S. Supreme Court A ‘Somewhat Tense Moment’ as Justices Consider Discharge of…
Criminal Law Library Blog
From Recent Publication Announcements of the ABA
Another Bite at the Apple: A Guide to Section 2255 Motions for Federal Prisoners By Janice L. Bergmann Today, the writ of habeas corpus is a federal remedy primarily used by state prisoners to challenge their conviction or sentence. Habeas corpus was also the primary post conviction remedy for federal…
Selected Recent and Forthcoming Books: Criminal Procedure
Projected publication dates from July 2009 to September 2010* Sorted in ascending order by projected publication date: Title: Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal Author: Gary W. Carter Publication Date: July 2009 Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Market: United States ISBN: 0-7355-7012-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-7355-7012-2 Binding Format: Trade…
Voting Has Begun in the ABA Journal’s Third Annual Blawg 100
I received the following letter from the ABA Journal along with a request to send it along to our readers. I urge all of you to contribute to the Blawg 100 conversation. David Badertscher Dear Blawgger, As proprietor of one of the more than 2,500 blawgs in the ABA Journal’s…
fMRI Evidence Used in Murder Sentencing
CLLB Abstract Prepared by Michael Chernicoff The defense lawyer for Brian Dugan, an Illinois man convicted of raping and killing a 10-year-old girl, used fMRI brain scans as evidence during the sentencing phase of his trial show that their client should be spared the death penalty because he has…
Does Bringing a Terrorist Suspect From Gitmo to New York Confer Any More Legal Rights?
CLLB Abstract prepared by Michael Chernicoff Does Bringing a Terrorist Suspect From Gitmo to New York Confer Any More Legal Rights? If Kahlid Sheikh Mohammed is transferred from Gitmo to New York, would this allow him different immigrant status or create constitutional rights, such as Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment,…
SRLN: Training on Public Libraries and Access to Justice
With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the National Center for State Courts, the Center-hosted Self-Represented Litigation Network, in cooperation with the Legal Services Corporation, is presenting: A Training on Public Libraries and Access to Justice January 11-12, 2010, Austin, Texas Information on Application Process With funding…
LEH Letter: Copyright, New Media Law and E-Commerce News
I am grateful to Lesley Ellen Harris for granting me permission to publish the complete issues of her New Media Law & E-Commerce News on this blawg as they appear. Here is Leslie’s most recent issue.: FROM THE OFFICES OF LESLEY ELLEN HARRIS Copyright, New Media Law & E-Commerce News…
PC Devices Connected Using Light
Since the beginning of the last century when physicists determined that light could be considered as consisting of particles (photons) as well as waves, there have been efforts, with varying degrees of success, to use light to further the development of technology and communications. One of the latest attempts as…
Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure 28
November 23-27, 2009. To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw. ——————————————————————————– U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, November 25, 2009 US v. Gonzalez-Velez, No. 07-2277 Defendant’s sentence of 135-months’ imprisonment after being convicted of participating in a conspiracy to…