
Criminal Law Library Blog


100 Tips and Trick for Blogging Librarians

People from the Online College sometimes send me various lists related to libraries and websites which they have compiled for publication on the web. Their latest is a compilation by Donna Scott of “100 Terrific Tips & Tools for Blogging Librarians“. Donna’s list contains a number of interesting observations. I…


New York Appellate Criminal Cases Originating from the New York Supreme Court NY County. August 19, 2009.

Update from the Lexis Alert Service, August 19, 2009 1. People v. Olivo, 880, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2009 NY Slip Op 5194; 63 A.D.3d 576; 881 N.Y.S.2d 359; 2009 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 5037, June 23, 2009, Decided, June 23, 2009, Entered, THE LEXIS…


New York Times Multimedia: Murder in New York City

Source:: . Looking at the New York Times website, I discovered links to a multimedia representation of dynamic homicide activity in New York City..This presentation leads to a variety of useful information including a June 19, 2009 article by Andrew W. Lehren and Al Barker, ” In New York,…


Report: Investigation of the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor

As has been widely reported in the news media, the State of New York Office of the Inspector General has just released its Report and Investigation of the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor. This is a Report grew out of a complaint of alleged misconduct on the part of…


Opportunities for OCLC Fellowships

Call for Applications for the 2010 OCLC Minority Librarian Fellowship Program Application deadline: September 8, 2009 OCLC has announced the expansion and increased support of the OCLC Minority Librarian Fellowship program designed to provide a unique opportunity for aspiring library professionals from historically under-represented groups. OCLC’s Minority Librarian Fellowship offers…


Should Cookies Be Used on Federal Web Sites?

David Badertscher* The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) within the White House is considering whether federal web sites should be permitted to use cookies and other web tracking technologies and is asking for input from the public. According to Michael Fitzpatrick, an associate administrator with the OMB Office of…


Cyber Bytes from Quinlan

Source: Quinlan Law Enforcement E-News Alert, July 16, 2009. Warrant to seize computer records In a case involving a narcotics arrest, the court held that a warrant allowing for the seizure of “computerized records” authorized the investigators serving the warrant to seize the defendant’s computers. The defendant argued that because…


New York Commission on Judicial Nominations – Proposed Revisions to Rules – July 2009

In response to criticism it received for submitting and all-male list with only one black of seven candidates to New York Governor David A. Paterson last December to fill a New York Court of Appeals opening created by the retirement of then Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, the New York…

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