
Criminal Law Library Blog


U.S. Supreme Court Decision Requires Forensic Analysts to Testify in Court

David Badertscher Legal experts and prosecutors are quite concerned about possible results of the June 25, 2009 U.S. Supreme Court decision Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts 07-591. In this decision the Court has ruled that forensic analysts conducting tests must be in court to testify about their test results and that lab…


The Importance of Forensics in the Fields of Criminal Law and Justice: An Introduction

BY KAT SANDERS* It’s easier to solve crime today than it was 50 years ago, because of the advances that have been made in the field of science, or to be more specific, forensic science. In fact, new and innovative crime solving techniques are being introduced by the day to…


Unclassified Report on the President’s Surveillance Program

The Unclassified Report of the President’s Surveillance Program released on July 10, 2009 is a review of the National Security Agency Warrantless Search Program, created during the presidency of George W. Bush some time after September 11, 2001. The unclassified report was prepared by the inspectors general of five government…


New Publications and Updated Editions from West Thomson – Criminal Law and Procedure

Search run on West Thomson Website on July 14, 2009. NEW PUBLICATIONS: Crown Court Index, 2009, 29th NEW This work provides an index of common penalties and formalities in cases tried on indictment… Release Date: 6/29/2009 Witness Preparation and Examination for DUI Proceedings: Leading Lawyers on Developing Questioning Strategies, Gathering……


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. July 10, 2009.

Ten top stories. July 10, 2009. Editor’s Note: Check back at starting Monday for live coverage of the Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings. The Journal’s U.S. Supreme Court expert Richard Brust will post highlights from the Senate committee Q&A. Law Schools Are Law Schools Like GM? Why Profs Should Mull…


Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure 23

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw. July 6-10, 2009. U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, July 08, 2009 US v. Meadows, No. 08-1122 Conviction for firearms possession is affirmed where: 1) the district court properly denied defendant’s motion…


Findlaw Case Summaries: Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals 12

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw. July 8-13, 2009 ADMIRALTY, CORP. GOVERNANCE, CORPORATION & ENTERPRISE LAW, DEBT COLLECTION Transfield ER Cape Ltd. v. Industrial Carriers Inc., No. 09-1733 In a dispute involving a maritime attachment and garnishment against…


New York Appellate Criminal Cases Originating from the New York Supreme Court NY County – LexisNexis. July 2009.

Update from the Lexis Alert Service, July 2009. 1. People v. Lasalle, 1006, 3722/06, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2009 NY Slip Op 5603; 2009 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 5422, July 2, 2009, Decided, July 2, 2009, Entered, THE LEXIS PAGINATION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT…


Law School Journals and Open Access

On june 15, 2009 we received an interesting question by e-mail regarding law school journals and open access. Somewhat later we received another e-mail from the same person, summarizing the responses to her original query. Due to increasing interest and concern regarding information access issues, including open access to law…

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