
Criminal Law Library Blog


Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure 22

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw. June 15-19, 2009. U.S. Supreme Court, June 15, 2009 Nijhawan v. Holder, No. 08–495 Petitioner’s removal from the U.S. based on his commission of an “aggravated felony” is affirmed, where the $10,000…


Lawyers In Your Living Room! On Television

Michael Asimow, Editor A new publication from the American Bar Association “Playing a hard-driven, unscrupulous defense attorney-turned-prosecutor in Shark was a real eye-opener for me as an actor and, more importantly, as a citizen.” — James Woods From the Foreword, Lawyers in Your Living Room From Perry Mason and The…


ABA: Focus on Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

A recent listing from ABA Publisging of books which focus on Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. Do No Wrong: Ethics for Prosecutors and Defenders By Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal Criminal law practice is a minefield of legal ethics issues for both the prosecution and defense. There are…


Survey: Recent Changes in Bindery Policies and Procedures in Academic Libraries

Courtney Selby, the Collection Development/Instructional Services Librarian at the Mabee Legal information Center, University of Tulsa has summarized the results of her recent survey: Last week I sent out a 4 question survey about recent changes in bindery policies and procedures in academic libraries. I received 16 replies (thanks so…


Columbia Science and Technology Law Review Goes Open Access

The following is an announcement from Luis Villa, the outgoing Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review (STLR). Beginning with Volume X STLR will become a “formal open access journal and comply with the recent Durham Statement on open access” and will become the first Columbia journal to…


ABA 2009 Silver Gavel Awards Presentation

An American Bar Association Free Public Program. The ABA Division for Public Education has asked that the following invitation and registration link be posted: 2009 ABA Silver Gavel Awards Presentation Presenter H. Thomas Wells Jr. ABA President Featured Speaker Jeffrey Toobin Staff writer for The New Yorker magazine Senior analyst…


Uncertainty in Law Circles Over New U.S. Supreme Court Ruling for Judges

Uncertainty in Law Circles Over New Court Ruling for Judges By JOHN SCHWARTZ Published: June 10, 2009 by the New York Times “Lawyers across the country said that a Supreme Court ruling on conflicts of interest among elected judges could prompt a deluge of requests for judges to recuse themselves…

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