
Criminal Law Library Blog


New York Appellate Criminal Cases Originating from the New York Supreme Court NY County – Lexis. May 18, 2009.

Update from the Lexis Alert Service, May 18, 2009. 1. People v. Smith, 558, 2680/07, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2009 NY Slip Op 3839; 2009 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 3674, May 14, 2009, Decided, THE LEXIS PAGINATION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING…


List: Law Library Blogs

We are delighted to see the updated List of Law Library Blogs. It was originally compled by Bonnie Shucha, University of Wisconsin Law School, and has been updated by Michael Robak, University of Illinios College of Law. When viewing this list it is important to note that it contains only…


Announcement and Survey: AALL Publication on Legal Research for Non-Lawyers

The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Legal Information Services to the Public SIS has updated its publication, “How to Research a Legal Problem: A Guide for Non-Lawyers.” The text of the revised version, by LISP members Lee Warthen and Angus Nesbit, can be viewed here: In the past…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 15, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 15, 2009: Law Firms Did ‘Financial Insanity’ and ‘Greedy Lawyers’ Doom WolfBlock? May 14, 2009, 09:07 am CDT Law Firms Some 2010 Summer Associate Programs Are Being Axed or Scaled Back May 13, 2009, 08:40 am CDT Plus: Some Deferred Start Dates…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 8, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 8, 2009: Law Practice Management Downturn’s Losers: BigLaw, ‘Entitled’ Associates, Top Schools May 7, 2009, 10:12 am CDT Law Schools Blog Questions ‘Rankings Malpractice’ by Law Schools May 4, 2009, 06:49 am CDT Legal Ethics Attorney Can’t Ask 3rd Party to ‘Friend’…


Report of New York State Inspector General Investigating Allegations Related to the NY Commission on Public Integrity

A Report of the New York State Inspector General, Joseph Fisch, released on May 13, 2009 concluded that Herbert Titelbaum Executive Director of the New York State Council on Public Integrity and a close friend exchanged at least 165 phone calls and held regular dinners over a five month period…


FBI Releases Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in 2008

In its preliminary statistics released on May 11, 2009 the FBI reports that 41 of our nation’s law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2008. All but five were killed with firearms. The number of officers feloniously killed was 17 fewer than in 2007. A…


Champagne Corks, Mickey Mantle & Muskets: Trials and Tribulations of Law Practice

This enertaining article, Champagne Corks, Mickey Mantle & Muskets, is a May 10, 2009 posting by Adrian M. Baron on the Nutmeg Lawer blawg which is described as a blawg “…developed to share tips on law firm marketing, legal practice, office management and anything else that might pique your interest…


ABA Teleconference; How to Sell Yourself: Developing the Perfect Pitch

Tuesday May 19, 2009. This teleconference is part of the ABA Recession Recovery Teleconference Series. Faculty will provide advice on how to strke just the right note on paper and in person to land a job. Free to ABA members. For more information click here.

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