
Criminal Law Library Blog


Studies in Law Related Information Behavior

Rob Richards, a law librarian and legal information consultant in Philadelphia writes: “A list of empirical studies of law-related information behavior is now available at . If you know of additional studies not listed, I’d be grateful to learn of them. Persons interested in this topic may be interested…


Journal: Law & Social Inquiry

A quarterly journal published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. on behalf of the American Bar Foundation. Law & Social Inquiry is a multidisciplinary quarterly that publishes original research articles and wide-ranging review essays that contribute to the understanding of sociolegal processes. Law & Social Inquiry’s combination of empirical and…


New Books and Releases from the ABA Criminal Justice Section

Below is a message, useful to law librarians and others, from the current Chair of the ABA Criminal Justice Section. It includes information about new books and some discussion about publication activities within the Section : Message from the Chair: The Criminal Justice Section is comprised of a number of…


ABA: U.S. Supreme Court Update – May 4, 2009

A Service from the ABA Criminal Justice Section, Flores-Figueroa v. United States (No. 08-108) Decided: May 4, 2009 Petitioner Flores-Figueroa, a Mexican citizen, gave his employer counterfeit Social Security and alien registration cards containing his name but other people’s identification numbers, he was arrested and charged with two immigration…


Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure – April 27-May 1, 2009

April 27 – May 1, 2009 To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw. U.S. Supreme Court, April 28, 2009 Cone v. Bell, No. 07-1114 In a capital habeas proceeding, the denial of Petitioner’s habeas petition is reversed where the…


Obama CIO Apointee: Obsolete Regulations Block Government Adoption of Social Media

The U.S. government’s CIO recently appointed by President Obama told Congress this week that obsolete regulations are blocking agencies from serving the people by participating in top Web sites and social media. Regulations governing the use of cookies and — ironically — disclosure laws are keeping government stuck in the…


Comments on How and Where to Write Better Tweets

According to C.G. Lynch’s provocative artice in the CIO Insider Newsletter,Twitter’s growing popularity is exposing a considerable “fraility” of writing among those tweet. He observes that Twitter’s 140 character message format demands concise, engaging writing “and that’s a skill that a lot of people don’t have. To read more of…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 1, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 1, 2009: Law Firms Profits Drop at 12 of 15 Top Firms Apr 30, 2009, 07:11 am CDT Law Schools Number of Students Applying to Law School Jumps 3.8 Percent Apr 29, 2009, 12:22 pm CDT Law Students Summer Associates Advised to…

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