
Criminal Law Library Blog


50 Best Law Librarian Blogs and Websites

Feedspot has recently updated their listing of 50 Best Law Librarian blogs and websites (updated January 18, 2024). According to Feedspot, the law librarian blogs and websites included in this listing were selected “from thousands of blogs on the web and are ranked by traffic, social media followers and freshness”.…


ABA: White Collar Observations from the Other Side

Hosted by Jennifer Schubert, of MoloLamken, and Maria Cruz Melendez, of Skadden Arps. New York networking event with a winter whiskey tasting, and a fireside chat with former federal judges, Hon. Joseph A. Greenaway, Jr. and Hon. John Gleeson, and former prosecutors speaking about the hottest white collar topics, from…


CBO Scheduled To Release Budget and Economic Outlook From 2024 to2034

Today 1/19 we received the following posting from Deborah Kilroe of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announcing the release of its budget outlook on February 7. We are forwarding this announcement as a service to our readers: The Congressional Budget Office will release The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2024 to 2034 at…


ABA Criminal Justice Section: Upcoming Events

From: January 31, 2024 through May 3, 2024: Webinars, CLEs, and In-Person meetings January 31-February 5, 2024 2024 ABA Midyear MeetingFebruary 13, 2024 White Collar Observations from the Other SideMarch 6-8, 2024 White Collar Crime 2024 April 11-12, 2024 2024 Forensic Science and Information Technology Institute May 1-3, 2024 Health…


AI Predictions for 2024: A Glimpse into the Future

The year 2024 promises to be a pivotal year for Artificial Intelligence (AI), with advancements across various sectors and a growing focus on real-world applications. Here are some predictions taken from various sources including my own expressing a variety of opinions as to what we can expect in the near…


Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending January 12, 2024

During this past week (week ending January 12, 2024) we have received listings of 31 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  17 Constitutional Law summaries, 31 Criminal Law Summaries,  2 White Collar Case summaries, 3 Internet Law Summaries ,  3 Intellectual Property case summaries, and 1 Copyright case summary. We plan…


New York’s Economic and Budget Outlook: Post Pandemic Reckoning for the City and the State

A Report by James A. Parrott and George Sweeting, City of New York Affairs, The New School, January 11, 2024.* Posted by David Badertscher Overview: “The past four years not only brought unprecedented economic upheaval to New York City and state related to the pandemic and its aftermath, but also…


CBO: Using Multiple Data Sources to Learn About the Race and Ethnicity of Taxpayers

A presentation by Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysts Rebecca Heller, Shannon Mok, and James Pearce, and Census Bureau research economist Jonathan Rothbaum at the American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Committee on Economic Statistics on January 5, 2024. According to the CBO, the purpose of this presentation is to summarize preliminary…


Selected List of Opinion Summaries Published by Justia, Week Ending January 5, 2024

During this past week (week ending January 5, 2024) we have received listings of 15 Government and Administrative Law Summaries,  8 Constitutional Law summaries, 22 Criminal Law Summaries,  2 Internet Law Summaries ,  and 1 Intellectual Property case summary. We plan is to continue posting opinion summaries, under corresponding areas…


Some ABA Events Announced as Happening in Early 2024

The current edition of Sci Tech e-Merging News published by the Science and Technology Section of the American Bar Association,  contains announcements of upcoming events and updated research discussing issues of special interest to both members of the legal profession and others outside the legal profession who face similar concerns.…

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