
Criminal Law Library Blog


CLLB Information Security Newsletter. January 2009 Volume 2 # 1.

January 2009 Volume 2 # 1 Challenge or Secret Questions From the Desk of David Badertscher What are Challenge or Secret Questions? Knowledge-based authentication or the use of “Challenge or Secret Questions” helps computer users access their accounts when they forget their password. The questions are often designed as simple,…


ABA Publication: Criminal Mental Health and Disability Law Evidence and Testimony

New: (February 2009) Criminal Mental Health and Disability Law, Evidence and Testimony: A Comprehensive Reference Manual for Lawyers, Judges and Criminal Justice Professionals This Comprehensive Reference Manual examines both criminal mental health and disability discrimination law from the points of view of lawyers, judges and other professionals within the criminal…


Billable Hours Giving Ground at Law Firms

New York Times article by Jonathan Glater, published January 30, 2009. “Lawyers are having trouble defending the most basic yardstick of the legal profession – the billable hour…” See article at:


Brief Summary of American Library Association Midwinter MARBI Meetings

George Prager, Head of Cataloging at New York University Law School Library has sent his summary of the ALA Midwinter MARBI meetings to members of the American Association of Law Libraries Technical Services Special Interest Group. With his permission I am also posting it here along with his opening comments:…


Seeking a Consultant to Assess a Law School Library’s Collection and to Develop an Acquisition Strategy

Charlotte School of Law would like to assess its library collection and subsequently develop an acquisition strategy. At this initial stage, we’re seeking qualified consultants who can respond to a more detailed RFP after signing a confidentiality agreement. Objective Our objective is to assess the library collection and to develop…


New York Appellate Criminal Cases Originating from the New York Supreme Court NY County – LEXIS. January 29, 2009.

Update from the Lexis Alert Service, January 29, 2009 1. People v. Rodriguez, 5115, 810/05, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2009 NY Slip Op 434; 2009 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 426, January 27, 2009, Decided, January 27, 2009, Entered, THE LEXIS PAGINATION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS…


Some Recent Documents from the Obama White House

Below are links to some of the recent documents, January 21, 22 and 26, 2009 : Executive Order: Presidential Records, Released by White House on 1-21-09 Memorandum: Freedom of Information Act ( FOIA ) Released by White House on 1-21-09 Memorandum: Transparency and Open Government, Released by White House on…

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