
Criminal Law Library Blog


ABA Criminal Justice Complementary CLE: New Paradigm of Juvenile Justice

The ABA Criminal Justice Section Juvenile Justice Committee and The Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants and The Council on Racial & Ethnic Justice Present; The New Paradigm of Juvenile Justice Complementary CLE Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree, a top advisor to President Elect Barack Obama, is known…


New York Times: A Tool to Verify Digital Records, Even as Technology Shifts

The above titled January 27, 2009 article by John Markoff, published in the New York Times is relevant because it discusses digitization, preservation and authentication of records (and by extension information) in terms of continuously preserving these qualities in an authentic state as the underlying technology constantly changes or “shifts”…


Results from Marshall Breeding’s 2008 Library Automation Survey

In case you missed it, the results from the 2008 version of Marshall Breeding’s Library Automation Survey are available at This Survey is international in scope. There were 1,450 responses.


New York Appellate Criminal Cases Originating from the New York Supreme Court NY County – Lexis. January 21 & 26, 2009.

Update from the Lexis Alert Service, January 21 & 26, 2009 1. People v. Lofton, 4649, 2903/06, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2008 NY Slip Op 9261; 56 A.D.3d 371; 2008 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 8795, November 25, 2008, Decided, THE LEXIS PAGINATION OF THIS DOCUMENT…


Findlaw Case Summaries: U.S. Supreme Court. January 26, 2009

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw. January 26, 2009 CIVIL PROCEDURE, CIVIL RIGHTS, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE Van de Kamp v. Goldstein, No. 07-854 In the context of 42 U.S.C. section 1983 civil rights suits, a…


Findlaw Case Law Summaries: Constitutional Law. January 19 – January 23, 2009.

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw. January 19 – January 23, 2009 U.S. Supreme Court, January 21, 2009 Locke v. Karass, No. 07-610 In a case involving circumstances where a local union charges nonmembers a service fee that…

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