
Selections From American Libraries Direct August 13, 2008

The e-newsletter of the American Library Association ALA.*

IFLA Conference showcases Québecois culture
“Canada played host to the 74th World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, August 10–14, in Québec. The annual IFLA conference is the largest and most diverse international gathering of library and information science professionals in the world. The five-day conference offered more than 3,280 delegates from 150 nations an opportunity to meet colleagues from around the globe, to hone their skills at 224 sessions, and to enjoy the cultural offerings of the host city. Kicking off an elaborate opening session, Canadian Governor General Michaëlle Jean (right) welcomed the delegates to the 400th anniversary celebration of the founding of Québec City….”
American Libraries Online, Aug. 13

FBI ties seized library computers to anthrax case
“A week after removing two public-access computers from the Frederick County (Md.) Public Libraries’ C. Burr Artz Library (right), the FBI has obtained a court order to search the machines for clues to their use on July 24 by Army scientist Bruce Ivins. A suspect in the 2001 anthrax letter attacks who killed himself July 29, Ivins was under surveillance by agents who observed him going to the library and accessing a website about the case, according to a search warrant request granted August 7 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia….”
American Libraries Online, Aug. 8

Mean librarian salaries up 2% in 2008
“Analysis of data from more than 1,010 public and academic libraries showed that the mean salary for librarians with ALA-accredited master’s degrees increased 2% from 2007, up $1,151 to $57,809. The median ALA MLS salary was $53,251, and salaries ranged from $22,000 to $331,200. Results are reported in the 2008 edition of the ALA-APA Salary Survey: Librarian-Public and Academic, published by the ALA–Allied Professional Association….”

Unionized library workers earn more
“A study conducted by the ALA–Allied Professional Association and the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO, has revealed that salaries in unionized public and academic libraries were higher than those in nonunion libraries for staff in positions that do not require an ALA-accredited master’s degree. The findings are published in The Union Difference for Library Workers….”

ACRL on The Desk and Beyond
“ACRL has released a new publication, The Desk and Beyond: Next Generation Reference Services, edited by Sarah Steiner and M. Leslie Madden of Georgia State University. The book provides a thorough exploration of the present and possible future applications of 11 of the most promising new reference delivery methods. This forward-looking collection is intended to provide inspiration for potential new digital and physical reference services at academic libraries….”

City librarian’s tip leads to hit-and-run arrest
“The search for a driver accused of running down and killing a pair of elderly women over the weekend ended at the Santa Clara (Calif.) City Library August 11, after a tip from the quick-thinking city librarian. Karen Saunders was reading about the incident on a website when she realized she had talked with the suspect the previous week. Astonished, she looked around the library and saw him again. And the wanted car was in the library garage….”
San Jose (Calif.) Mercury News, Aug. 12

Archivist gets prison for document thefts
“A former archivist pleaded guilty August 6 to stealing more than $50,000 worth of historic documents and artifacts from the New York State Library and Archives in Albany which he then sold on the internet or at collectors’ shows. Daniel D. Lorello admitted stealing more than 1,600 items from the archives during his employment as an archives and records management specialist with the state Department of Education from January 1997 until he was arrested in January 2008….”
Troy (N.Y.) Record, Aug. 6

Understanding web browser vulnerabilities
“Stefan Frei and three other security systems experts examine the “insecurity iceberg” of browsers that have not been updated to the latest versions and most secure plug-ins in this paper delivered at DEF CON 16 in Las Vegas August 10. To help combat existing and rapidly evolving threats such as malicious drive-by downloads, they have proposed a concept of a “best before” date for software and related mechanisms to tackle user awareness….”
Techzoom.net, Aug. 10

A publishing primer
“Rachel Toor writes: “When I taught a course about publishing last winter, I learned from my students that much of what I say when I talk about publishing is jargon. Until then, it had never occurred to me how many terms of art there are in the world of book publishing. I thought I would take this opportunity to explain some of its more arcane terminology.” Like dingbats, French flaps, gutters, provisional contracts, and slush piles….”
Chronicle of Higher Education, Aug. 11
*Click here to see entire issue ____________________________________ Posting Submitted by Philip Y. Blue, Senior Law Librarian New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library New York County.

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